can you pls tell me the logic for this code?

2 views (last 30 days)
ASHA on 24 Jan 2014
Edited: Azzi Abdelmalek on 24 Jan 2014
sd = 1;
[M,N] = size(a1);
r = imnoise2('rayleigh',M,N,0,1);
figure;imshow(r),title('Noise to be added');
c = find(r == 1);
gp = a1;
gp(c) = 255;
r = uint8(r);
figure;imshow(gp+r),title('Image after adding Multiplicative Rayleigh Noise');
fp = imrest(gp,'chmean',3,3,-5.5);
figure;imshow(fp),title('Image after removing Multiplicative Rayleigh Noise')

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