solve an inequality with LMI approach

13 views (last 30 days)
haifa on 1 Feb 2014
Commented: Johan Löfberg on 5 Feb 2014
I would like to solve this inequality :
Q*A'+A*Q+L'*B'+B*L < 0
Matt J
Matt J on 5 Feb 2014
Does L<0 mean that L(i,j)<0 for all i,j ?
haifa on 5 Feb 2014
no,L is a negativ matrix

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Answers (1)

Johan Löfberg
Johan Löfberg on 5 Feb 2014
Edited: Johan Löfberg on 5 Feb 2014
With the MATLAB Toolbox YALMIP, and some SDP solver installed (such as SDPT3, SeDuMi, Mosek etc) it would be (you have not clearly said which variables are decision variables, I assume Q (psd) and L (arbitrary))
Q = sdpvar(n,n);
L = sdpvar(m,n,'full');
Constraints = [Q >=0, Q*A'+A*Q+L'*B'+B*L <= 0];
The model is ill-posed though as Q and L arbitrarily close to zero is feasible, which means trouble in practice. Dehomogenioze it, for instance
Constraints = [Q >=0, Q*A'+A*Q+L'*B'+B*L <= -eye(n)];
haifa on 5 Feb 2014
I have not this solver SDP

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