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How to load data from a .txt file to matlab in the form of a matrix???

8 views (last 30 days)
I am saving data in a .txt file from c++ code which is continuously updating in real time.can i get this real time data loaded in to matrix in matlab in real time?? Please help
Jan on 1 Apr 2014
What do you mean by "real time"? Notice that the file output is buffered usually, such that the file is written in chunks. Then "real time" is not strictly defined.
avinash pabbireddy
avinash pabbireddy on 1 Apr 2014
As soon as i run the c++ code data is saved in.txt file i want to get this data continously in to matlab

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Answers (1)

Prateekshya on 23 Aug 2024 at 3:02
Hello Avinash,
As per my understanding, the dlmread() or readmatrix() function will read the data from a file and store it in a matrix. Please refer to the following documentation for more information on the functions:
I hope this helps!


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