How to solve the dispersion relation in a symbolic expression?
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I have a symbolic expression along the lines:
H = @(f) a*k*f;
where a is a constant. f is the rotational frequency and k is the wave number, which are connected through the dispersion relation:
f^2 = g*k*tanh(k*S)
where g = 9.81 is the gravitational constant and S = 20 is the water depth. I would like to plot H(f), how can I evaluate the non-linear expression k=k(f) within the symbolic expression?
Many thanks.
Accepted Answer
Mischa Kim
on 14 Apr 2014
Edited: Mischa Kim
on 14 Apr 2014
Hello László, what about
g = 9.81; S = 20; a = 1;
H = @(k) a*k.*sqrt(g*k.*tanh(k*S));
k = -2:0.1:2;
Of course, you can first define H and f separately, if you need/want to.
Mischa Kim
on 14 Apr 2014
I don't think I follow. Are you trying to solve a nonlinear equation of the form H(f) = 0 using anonymous functions? If so, simply define H as shown above and then use fsolve(H,f0), where f0 is the starting guess.
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