How to save to a specific filename in a for loop
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So I have been having this issue for a while and I really would like to figure it out. I have a lot of data at 15 minute intervals and I want it over and hour. I have no issue doing this. The function that I call creates the correct OUTPUT. My issue is that I am not able to save the OUTPUT to a filename that takes the form ['data_1hr_2013',num2str(k)]. I need to figure out a way to save OUTPUT with the filename I create. Any help would be grealy appreciated. I could have sworn I used to do this all the time in previous versions of MATLAB. I am using 2014a now.
for k = 7:12
matFileName = sprintf('data_15min_2013%d.mat', k);
if exist(matFileName, 'file')
matData = load(matFileName);
fprintf('File %s does not exist.\n', matFileName);
OUTPUT = Conv15min2hr(eval(['matData.data_15min_2013',num2str(k)]));
Star Strider
on 25 Jul 2014
Do you get an error, or is the problem that when you look in the appropriate directory (or search) you can’t find the file?
Accepted Answer
Image Analyst
on 25 Jul 2014
What on earth is that eval statement supposed to do???
Plus, OUTPUT should be in single quotes when you send it into the save function.
baseMatFileName= sprintf('data_1hr_2013%d.mat', k);
fullMatFileName = fullfile(folder, baseMatFileName); % folder = pwd or wherever...
save(fullMatFileName, 'OUTPUT');
Image Analyst
on 25 Jul 2014
I'm sure there is, but I don't know what you want to do. The eval() is doing essentially like what would happen if you typed the name of that file onto the command line. What does that do? Does it return the structure that is stored in your .mat file? What kind of input is the function Conv15min2hr() expecting?
More Answers (1)
Robert Cumming
on 25 Jul 2014
BTW: eval is rarely the best choice...
I think you want:
% create your fieldname (sprintf is faster than str2num and joining using []
varName = sprintf ( 'matData.data_15min_2013%i', k );
% store your data in a struct using the above name:
matData.(varName) = OUTPUT;
% save the to file
save ( fullMatFileName, 'matData' );
% remove the field to avoid it being added to in the next loop.
matData = rmfield ( matData, varName );
See Also
Find more on Data Type Conversion in Help Center and File Exchange
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