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Errors with using legacy_code to integrate C++ codes generated from deep learning toolbox using MKL-DNN

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I am trying to use a deep reinforcement learning policy represented by a deep neural network (DNN) (with custom layers) in a simulink model and run such model on hardware with desktop real-time. After checking all potential solutions provided by Matlab, I felt that the only solution for me is to (1) generate C++ codes using Intel Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (MKL-DNN) following here, and (2) use legacy_code tool to integrate the generated C++ function into my simulink model following here.
I completed Step (1) with the following codes (Note that Agent769.mat contains the trained RL agent)
%% generate policy evaluation function
load Agent769.mat
%% generate C/C++ codes
cfg = coder.config('mex');
% On the configuration object, set the target language to C++, and set DeepLearningConfig to the target library 'mkldnn'. This option generates code using the Intel Math Kernel Library for Deep Neural Networks (Intel MKL-DNN).
cfg.TargetLang = 'C++';
cfg.DeepLearningConfig = coder.DeepLearningConfig('mkldnn');
%Set an example input value for the policy evaluation function. To find the observation dimension, use the getObservationInfo function. In this case, the observations are in a four-element vector.
argstr = '{ones(6,1)}';
%Generate code using the codegen function.
When I executed Step (2) with the following codes
def = legacy_code('initialize');
def.HeaderFiles ={'evaluatePolicy.h','counterbus.h','emlrt.h'};
def.SourceFiles ={'evaluatePolicy.cpp'};
def.IncPaths = {'C:\Software\oneDNN-1.4\include','D:\Boran\Pendubot\codegen\mex\evaluatePolicy',...
def.SrcPaths = {'D:\Boran\Pendubot\codegen\mex\evaluatePolicy'};
def.SFunctionName = 'evaluatePolicy_sfun';
def.OutputFcnSpec = 'double y1 = evaluatePolicy(emlrtStack u1[1], double u2[6])'; %COUNTERBUS
def.Options.language = 'C++';
I met the following error:
Error using legacycode.LCT.legacyCodeImpl
The data type "emlrtStack" is neither a built-in data type, nor defined by a Simulink.AliasType, Simulink.NumericType, Simulink.Bus
object, or an enumerated data type:
--> double y1 = evaluatePolicy(emlrtStack u1[1], double u2[6])
Error in legacy_code (line 103)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = legacycode.LCT.legacyCodeImpl(action, varargin{1:end});
Error in compile (line 10)
It seems that the program cannot recognize the data type emlrtStack, although it is used in the function evaluationPolicy of evaluationPolicy.cpp (generated in Step (1)):
real32_T evaluatePolicy(const emlrtStack *sp, const real_T observation1[6])
policy0_0 *iobj_0;
emlrtStack b_st;
emlrtStack c_st;
emlrtStack d_st;
emlrtStack e_st;
emlrtStack st;
real32_T meanAndStd[2];
real32_T r;
st.prev = sp;
st.tls = sp->tls;
b_st.prev = &st;
b_st.tls = st.tls;
c_st.prev = &b_st;
c_st.tls = b_st.tls;
d_st.prev = &c_st;
d_st.tls = c_st.tls;
e_st.prev = &d_st;
e_st.tls = d_st.tls;
Denis Gurchenkov
Denis Gurchenkov on 8 Oct 2023
Hi Pan, not sure how this was missed earlier, our apologies. I suspect you can make some headway if you change the codegen target from mex to lib:
cfg = coder.config('lib');
The thing is, in your original reproduction steps you are using MATLAB Coder to generate a "mex" file. In that mode, the generated C/C++ code is not human readable and contains details such as this emlrtstack type that you have no access to. Your intent was to generate standalone C/C++ code. For that, use the 'lib' target instead.
Hariprasad Ravishankar
Hariprasad Ravishankar on 9 Oct 2023
Hi Pan,
In addition, you can also use the Policy block to model your deep reinforcement policy in Simulink and generate code from it. Here are some references:
generatePolicyFunction can be unsed in a MATLAB Function block in Simulink to simulate and generate code from it. Here is an example:
Finally, you can also use the deep learning predict block to generate code for the deep learning 'predict' function

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