How to save very large image to original resolution

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I have a very large image saved via .tif file (70,499 x 8400). I am trying to plot and fill polygons on this image that are the result from an artifical intelligence neural network (points are in .JSON format). I have no problem plotting the images on the large image, my trouble comes from trying to save the figure to the original resolution. I have tried using export_fig('filename', '-native') but errors keep popping up saying that the image is too large, I have tried using 'imwrite' as well as 'print' with no success. Is there anyway to to achieve this?
CivilEngineer27 on 25 Aug 2021
I guess my question revolves how to use 'imwrite' in order to save the image to original resolution after I have made my subsequent plots on the image?
DGM on 25 Aug 2021
Since you'd mentioned imwrite(), I was assuming that you had already been able to apply those to the image itself.
I don't know what exactly you're doing with plot tools, but if you're using ROI tools, you can use createMask() and basic image operations to alter the underlying image. If that's something that you need to figure out how to do, I suggest coming up with a reduced-size conceptual example of the things you're trying to embed and we can see what the options are.

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Answers (2)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 25 Aug 2021
Did you try exportgraphics()?
CivilEngineer27 on 26 Aug 2021
Unfortunately, I have. Since the image is so large (the image is an orthomosaic map constructed from drone images) export_fig is unable to process an image of that size and resolution.

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Yair Altman
Yair Altman on 26 Aug 2021
Try to use export_fig's sister image-export utility, ScreenCapture:


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