Facing issue with Polyspace Bug Finder report generation

7 views (last 30 days)
I am facing issue with polyspace report generation.
The issue summary is
"Converting report
Document conversion failed. Unexpected conversion error: Cannot open file: Could not open source package
Error using mlreportgen.db2dom.DocBook/appendDocBookXMLFile
Unexpected conversion error:
Cannot open file: Could not open source package"
Please provide the solution.

Accepted Answer

Anirban on 4 Oct 2021
The report generated might be very large and you might have encountered the issue documented in Fix Insufficient Memory Errors During Polyspace Report Generation. The solution documented there, that is, increasing the heap size for report generation, might work in your case.
Venkata Narendra
Venkata Narendra on 5 Oct 2021
Thanks for your reply
I increased the heap size but it is not working
"Converting report
Document conversion failed. Unexpected conversion error: Cannot open file: Could not open source package
Error using mlreportgen.db2dom.DocBook/appendDocBookXMLFile
Unexpected conversion error:
Cannot open file: Could not open source package
Error in rpt_xml.db_output/convertReport>locRunDB2DOMEngine
Error in rpt_xml.db_output/convertReport
Error in rptgen.coutline/makeDocumentPost (line 40)
Error in rptgen.coutline/execute (line 21)
Error in polyspace_report_internal (line 340)
Error in psrptgenprivate (line 19)
Error in polyspace_report (line 7)"
Even I reinstalled the Polyspace code prover but it is not working.
Thank you
Anirban on 5 Oct 2021
Please contact MathWorks Technical Support: https://www.mathworks.com/support/contact_us.html .
The issue might be happening for a specific type of result, so looking at the complete log will be helpful. Support can ask you for the log and diagnose further.
In fact, you can check if the issue is true for any report generation or a specific result set. In the Polyspace user interface, select Help > Examples > Bug_Finder_Example.psprj and then try to generate a report from those results. It will be useful for Support to know whether the report generation problem occurs in that case, too.

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