- first column should contain the location paths of your images.
- second column should contain the bounding box vector as per specified format.
Understanding the use of data in Object Detection
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I have a question regarding the 'load data' section in this code, which was taken from the Yolo v3 object detection guide here.
The example uses images of vehicles. It has a Ground Truth file for that, and also a dataset.
I can see the Ground Truth file in the MATLAB folder, but I don't understand where it's taking the dataset from. I'm not sure I understand the difference between a dataset and Ground Truth data.
What I'd like to do is to change the code so that it detects faces instead of vehicles.
I have downloaded a dataset called 'CelebA'. I now have a folder that contains images of faces, they're numbered 000001, 000002, etc...
There's also a text file that contains many lines, each containing an image file name and coordinates for its boundary box (I assume the coordinates mark the location of the face in the image, so it's part of the ground truth data).
I need to somehow load the ground truth data into matlab, as well as the dataset.
I'd appreciate help with implementing this change.
Thank you.
%% download pretrained network (set to 'true' to train the network)
doTraining = false;
if ~doTraining
preTrainedDetector = downloadPretrainedYOLOv3Detector();
%% load data (modify to faces dataset)
data = load('vehicleDatasetGroundTruth.mat');
vehicleDataset = data.vehicleDataset;
Answers (1)
Prateek Rai
on 9 Oct 2021
To my understanding, you want to learn how the dataset is loaded and used in Yolo v3 object detection MATLAB example. Further, you want to use your own data to train Yolo v3 object detection model.
Part 1:
%% download pretrained network (set to 'true' to train the network)
doTraining = false;
if ~doTraining
preTrainedDetector = downloadPretrainedYOLOv3Detector();
This part of code is used to decide whether you want to train the network or use the pretrained network. Set 'doTraining' to 'true' to train the network.
Part 2:
%% load data (modify to faces dataset)
data = load('vehicleDatasetGroundTruth.mat');
vehicleDataset = data.vehicleDataset;
Here, 'data' variable will store mat file which in turn is a 1×1 struct with 1 field i.e. vehicleDataset.
Now, 'vehicleDataset' variable will store main dataset which is a 295*2 table. Column 1 contain location path of image files and column 2 contain bounding box coordinates. This bounding boxes specifies the upper left corner and the size of the bounding box in pixels. The bounding boxes are in the form [x y width height].
Now, if you want to use your data you have to apply following changes.
Step 1: You create a table in which:
Step 2: Set 'vehicleDataset' variable to this newly created table.
Prateek Rai
on 14 Oct 2021
If you want to just use the already trained network, then you can directly use it on your data without training the network. But if you want that the network learn for your data then you have to train the network for your data.
See Also
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