Bar graph doesn't show bars

8 views (last 30 days)
Batuhan Arik
Batuhan Arik on 7 Oct 2021
Commented: Batuhan Arik on 9 Oct 2021
Hello everyone, I am trying to plot a bar graph with duplicate x values. I want to sum the y values of the duplicate x values. I found some help on the internet which seems to be working. However, when I try to run the code, axes appear bur bars don't appear.
here is my code;
close all
[xnew,~,idx] = unique(x,'rows');
ynew = accumarray(idx(:),y(:));
hold on
hold on
xlabel('E (kEV)');
ylabel('Yıllık Kullanım Yüzde Miktarı (mCi)');
grid minor
and here how it looks when I run it
I couldn't figure out the reason. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 7 Oct 2021
As outside observers, we do not know that any of the ynew values are non-zero and not nan.
min(x), max(x)
min(y), max(y)
min(ynew), max(ynew)
Batuhan Arik
Batuhan Arik on 7 Oct 2021
oh sorry, I forgot to mention it. I checked the data, y_new, x_new, x, y are all as they are supposed to be.

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Accepted Answer

Prateek Rai
Prateek Rai on 9 Oct 2021
To my understanding, you are trying to plot a bar graph with duplicate x values bur bars don't appear.
I think the problem is that the y values for duplicate x values are summing up to zero which is why you are not able to see the bars.
I will illustrate this with your example but with some arbitrary values.
I am using arbitrary x and y values here such that:
  • We have duplicate x values
  • We have duplicate x = 7 such that corresponding y value sums to 0 ( x = 7 y =1 , x = 7 y =0, x = 7 y = -1 ==> x = 7 y = 0)
Now, I will use a code similar to the code provided, and let's look at the possible bar graph.
close all
[xnew,~,idx] = unique(x,'rows');
ynew = accumarray(idx(:),y(:));
hold on
hold on
xlabel('E (kEV)');
ylabel('Yıllık Kullanım Yüzde Miktarı (mCi)');
grid minor
You can see the resultant plot in the attachment.
It is clear from the plot that we cannot see a bar for the case when x=7 because at that time the corresponding y sums to 0.
You can also refer to bar MathWorks documentation page to learn more on bar graph.
  1 Comment
Batuhan Arik
Batuhan Arik on 9 Oct 2021
Thanks for your effort. I have solved the problem. Actually, there was not even an actual problem. My array included too many elements. Thus, the bars were so tiny that they were invisible. Only thing I had to do was to increase bar width to 700000. It wass all my carelessness. Sorry for wasting your time.

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