How to write matlab code for optimization of this equation ?

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Hello, I want to optimize the following equation with particle swarm optimization algorithm. f(x)=(1/(n*xmax))* (summation(xi)) ; where i is the index varying from 1 to n, xmax is the maximum value of x & range of x is (0.003, 316.2).

Accepted Answer

Johan Löfberg
Johan Löfberg on 11 Aug 2014
Edited: Johan Löfberg on 11 Aug 2014
Do you absolutely have to use particle swarm optimization?
I would conjecture that the optimal solution is to let all but one element take the value 0.003, and the last element the value 316.2
The following test shows that this is the case for your setup. It uses the MATLAB Toolbox YALMIP to formulate the problem, and assumes you have a mixed-integer solver installed
n = 20;
m = 0.003;
M = 316.2;
x = sdpvar(n,1);
% Conjecture
xbest = [repmat(m,n-1,1);M];
costbest = sum(xbest)/(length(xbest)*max(xbest));
% Recover the conjectured solution by stating problem as mixed-integer problem
solvesdp([m <= x <= M, sum(x) <= length(x)*max(x)*costbest])
% Try to obtain a slightly better solution will fail and lead to
% infeasibility
solvesdp([m <= x <= M, sum(x) <= length(x)*max(x)*costbest*0.9999])
Shouldn't be too hard to prove that the conjecture holds.
  1 Comment
Seshadri Behera
Seshadri Behera on 11 Aug 2014
Thank you for the answer. But it's an assignment to use PSO to optimize this equation. So I must write the code using PSO.

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