To calculate the angles of the Delaunay triangles
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I am trying to calculate the 3 angles of each triangle generated by Delaunay triangulation. For example, I have already obtained the area and the perimeter of each triangle. But I also wanna calculate the angles of each triangle. Anyone help?
Accepted Answer
Roger Stafford
on 28 Aug 2014
Edited: Roger Stafford
on 28 Aug 2014
If P1, P2, and P3 are coordinates of the three vertices of a triangle, and A is its area, its angle at P1 can be calculated as:
a1 = atan2(2*A,dot(P2-P1,P3-P1)); % <-- Corrected
and similarly for the other two angles.
More Answers (2)
Michael Haderlein
on 28 Aug 2014
I like that question. I'm curious if there's a faster solution (maybe even a built-in function I don't know), but my code looks like this:
for cnt=1:3
a(:,cnt)=abs(diff(angle(bsxfun(@minus,X(:,[1:cnt-1 cnt+1:end]),X(:,cnt))+1i*bsxfun(@minus,Y(:,[1:cnt-1 cnt+1:end]),Y(:,cnt))),[],2));
This should work but please check for testcases if it's really the case.
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