load a txt file to load a columns in a tex box on GUI

6 views (last 30 days)
I have made a interface on GUI Matlab, now a have a button to open a .txt file. I need load into a text box, some data how coming from txt file. But my problem is that data are disposed in columns like this.
Vol AA MM DD hh mm ss
Vol AA MM DD hh mm ss
Vol AA MM DD hh mm ss
Vol AA MM DD hh mm ss
I have done this code: if true % code [filename pathname] = uigetfile({'*.txt'},'Open File'); fullpathname =strcat(pathname, filename); text= fileread(fullpathname); set(handles.pathy,'String',fullpathname); end
  1 Comment
Jos on 31 Aug 2014
I'm not entirely sure what you want to do, could you show what the text file looks like and what exactly you want to display in the text box

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Accepted Answer

Jos on 31 Aug 2014
[filename, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.txt'},'Open File');
fullpathname = strcat(pathname, filename);
fileVars = dlmread(fullpathname,'',0,0);
displayVar = fileVars(1,3);
fill in the row and column you want on line 4

More Answers (3)

Biza Ferreira
Biza Ferreira on 31 Aug 2014
Edited: Biza Ferreira on 31 Aug 2014
  1 Comment
Jos on 31 Aug 2014
what do you want to display in the text box? Currently you're printing the path and file name, do you want to show all data lines in your file in the text box? If so, you want to replace set(handles.pathy,'String',fullpathname) with set(handles.pathy,'String',text)

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Biza Ferreira
Biza Ferreira on 31 Aug 2014
For exemple just de first line and third column

Biza Ferreira
Biza Ferreira on 31 Aug 2014
Edited: Biza Ferreira on 1 Sep 2014
Thank You Jos for your answer. I am developing an ECG, which stores the data on SDcard, at this time trying to make a friendly interface. Vol means voltage AA means year MM means month ... .. when I load the file I want to display data from the first acquisition and the acquisition purchase made. The microcontroller records the data the way I showed you above. And Iam trying to put voltage and time in a dynamic graphic, to see all time line extension, and show start date acquisition like this

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