identifying if a number stays the same between files

3 views (last 30 days)
I have 3 .csv files. I want to know if the numbers in column 5 of the first file stay the same or change between the next 2 files.
Can anybody help me write a simple code to do this?
Rik on 18 Oct 2021
Why don't you do it yourself? Try to split this in steps you can solve.
Did you manage to read each file to a variable?
Did you manage to compare values once you have loaded them into Matlab?
C.G. on 18 Oct 2021
Edited: C.G. on 18 Oct 2021
I've written a method out and tried to do it but with no success. I cant work out how to compare the values between the files, hence my question.
%% Method to implement:
%identify if the numbers in columns 5 and 6 have changed between files 1 and 2
%if the number is the same, record the particle ID from column 1
% if the number appears in consecutive columns, record how many times the
% number is consectively seen
file = dir('*.csv'); %read the files into matlab
num_files = length(file); %record how many files have been found
[~, index] = natsort({}); %sort the files into proper numerical order (e.g. 1,2,3)
filelist = file(index);
rows = zeros(1, num_files); % create a empty matrix
for a = 1:num_files
T = table2array(readtable(filelist(a).name)); %read in the values
if T(:,5)== T(:,5) & T(:,6) == T(:,6); %see if numbers in col 5& 6 are the same
S = T(ismember(T(:,1),dataset(R,1)),:); % if number is the same, record number in col 1

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Answers (1)

Johannes Hougaard
Johannes Hougaard on 18 Oct 2021
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly - at least if I do then the data you've included are all not identical.
But if the question is "are all data in column 5 the same in ATF_1.csv and ATF_2.csv" then the answer is here.
atf_files = dir("ATF_*.csv");
isthesame = false(size(atf_files));
for ii = 2:length(atf_files)
atf_1 = readmatrix(atf_files(ii-1).name);
atf_2 = readmatrix(atf_files(ii).name);
if all(size(atf_1(:,5)) == size(atf_2(:,5)))
isthesame(ii) = all(atf_1(:,5) == atf_2(:,5));
C.G. on 18 Oct 2021
Edited: C.G. on 18 Oct 2021
Yes the number of rows in each file can change each time.
I want to know if the individual values in column 5 of ATF_1 change between _1 and 2 and then _2 and _3. From running your code I think it tells me if the whole column changes.
Johannes Hougaard
Johannes Hougaard on 19 Oct 2021
Which individual values do you want to check when the number of rows change?
Do you want to compare row 1 of file ATF_2 to row 1 of file ATF_1? If so you can do
atf_files = dir("ATF_*.csv");
identicalrows = cell(length(atf_files)-1,1);
for ii = 2:length(atf_files)
atf_1 = readmatrix(atf_files(ii-1).name);
atf_2 = readmatrix(atf_files(ii).name);
N = min(size(atf_1,1),size(atf_2,1));
identicalrows{ii-1} = false(N,1);
for jj = 1:N
identicalrows{ii-1}(jj) = atf_2(jj,5) == atf_1(jj,5);
...and then you do nothing for your last rows;
- or do you want to compare row 1 of file ATF_2 to all rows of ATF_1 and find which one is identical?
atf_files = dir("ATF_*.csv");
identicalrows = cell(length(atf_files)-1,1);
rowindex = cell(length(atf_files)-1,1);
for ii = 2:length(atf_files)
atf_1 = readmatrix(atf_files(ii-1).name);
atf_2 = readmatrix(atf_files(ii).name);
identicalrows{ii-1} = false(size(atf_2,1),1);
rowindex{ii-1} = nan(size(atf_2,1),1);
for jj = 1:size(atf_2,1)
identicalrows{ii-1}(jj) = any(atf_2(jj,5) == atf_1(:,5));
if any(atf_2(jj,5) == atf_1(:,5))
rowindex{ii-1}(jj) = find(atf_2(jj,5) == atf_1(:,5),1);

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