Event based CAN signal generation in Simulink

3 views (last 30 days)
I want generate CAN transmitting signal in simulink, I am able to transmit CAN signal when certain even is occurred but when condition is not occurred or condition is not satisfy then CAN message should not be send through simulink. ( not even message with 00 data, that message should be completely disable)
please guide
Reagrds Shripad

Accepted Answer

Shankar Subramanian
Shankar Subramanian on 15 Oct 2014
Have you tried using conditional subsystems ?
shripad on 16 Oct 2014
yes..hopefully got the solution conditional subsystem works! Thanks
Avinash on 3 Dec 2015
I am facing the same issue. I tried with Enabled subsystem, but it keeps sending msgs when there is no enable signal based on states setting as held/reset. So i tried with triggered subsystem, it works but now the problem is, it stops sending messages when implemented for more than 15 subsystems even there is trigger for all together. Can you help me on this if anyone tried for big number of triggered subsystem with CAN send block inside?

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