Plot 3D figure
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Tina Hsiao
on 11 Nov 2021
Commented: Walter Roberson
on 12 Nov 2021
Hello, I would like to plot this fugure (ro, Z, I), my code as below, could you please give me a help? Thanks a lot.
clear all; close all; clc
for n = 1:1:100
i = sqrt(-1);
a = 0.62;
NA = 0.29;
wL = 772e-3; % micro meter
R = linspace (-0.4,0.4,100);
ro = ((2*pi)/wL)*NA.*R;
Z = linspace(-1,1,100);
mu = ((2*pi)/wL)*NA^2*Z;
fun1 = @(r)r.*exp(-r.^2).* besselj(ro(n),r) .*exp(-(1.*i.*mu(n).*r.^2)./2);
q1 = integral(fun1,0,1);
q2 = integral(fun1,0,a);
E(n) = (2/(1-exp(-1)))*q1- 2*(2/(1-exp(-1)))*q2; % electric field
I(n) = abs(E(n)).^2; % intensity
plot(R, I)
Accepted Answer
Walter Roberson
on 11 Nov 2021
The scale factor between
and Z or R values is not obvious. It is also not obvious why you used the ranges you did: the sample plot suggests that they should be reversed. However, I had to use those ranges to get any plot of note -- and you can see it is not the expected plot. The output was essentially unchanged with Z -- which suggests that possibly Z is the wrong scale.
a = 0.62;
NA = 0.29;
wL = 772e-3; % micro meter
num_R = 100;
num_Z = 101;
Zvals = linspace(-5,5,num_Z)/1e2;
Rvals = linspace(-40,40,num_R)/1e2;
for Ridx = 1 : num_R
R = Rvals(Ridx);
ro = ((2*pi)/wL)*NA.*R;
for Zidx = 1 : num_Z
Z = Zvals(Zidx);
mu = ((2*pi)/wL)*NA^2*Z;
fun1 = @(r)r .* exp(-r.^2) .* besselj(ro,r) .* exp(-(1.*i.*mu.*r.^2)./2);
q1 = integral(fun1,0,1);
q2 = integral(fun1,0,a);
E(Ridx, Zidx) = (2/(1-exp(-1)))*q1 - 2*(2/(1-exp(-1)))*q2; % electric field
I = abs(E).^2; % intensity
surf(Zvals, Rvals, I, 'edgecolor', 'none')
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