What do the constants h,c and k do to the function??

2 views (last 30 days)
figure('Name','Black Body','Menu','none','NumberTitle','on','Position',[500 100 350 450])
set(gcf,'Color',[0.6 1.0 1.0])
%h=6.6256e-34; c=2.9979e8; k=1.3805e-23;
%h=6.6256e-34; c=2.9979e8; k=1.3805e-23;
plot(lambda*1e6,u(lambda, 800),'Color',[0.6 0.0 0.6],'LineWidth',2), hold on
plot(lambda*1e6,u(lambda, 850),'Color',[0.3 0.7 1.0],'LineWidth',2)
plot(lambda*1e6,u(lambda, 900),'Color',[0.0 0.8 0.0],'LineWidth',2)
plot(lambda*1e6,u(lambda, 950),'Color',[1.0 0.7 0.4],'LineWidth',2)
plot(lambda*1e6,u(lambda,1000),'Color',[0.9 0.0 0.0],'LineWidth',2), hold off
axis([0 10 0 200]), grid on
xlabel('Wavelength (\mum)','FontSize',11)
ylabel('Energy density (J m^{-4})','FontSize',11)
legend(' 800 K',' 850 K',' 900 K',' 950 K','1000 K')
If I have them before or after the anonymous function the graph works. If I take them away the graph still works.If I change say k to 1 no lines appear...which is odd since taking away all three values makes the graph work....I'm confused. Can anyone guide me in this?
The constants are c=speed of light, h=Pl*ncks const*nt and k=Boltzm*n const*nt.
  1 Comment
Britney on 16 Oct 2014
Is it important if you put them before the function or after?? For me it works either way.
Take away the % guys from the constants. Sorry for the typo....I was trying what would happen if i put the constants after the function.

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Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 16 Oct 2014
The function picks up the constants from the workspace, so they have to appear in your code before the function. Defining the constants only after the function throws an error when I run it.
Star Strider
Star Strider on 16 Oct 2014
The ‘u’ function is an anonymous function. The arguments and the variables they refer to in ‘u’ are ‘local’ to ‘u’ and are not shared by the rest of the workspace. It doesn’t matter what you call the various arguments to a function providing you change all references to those arguments in the function to match. (Note that while an anonymous function can pick up values of constants from the workspace, it does not share its internal variables with the workspace, returning as output to the workspace only the results of its calculations that you choose to have it return.)

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