Unable to load a .stl into file solid (MATLAB R2021a)

3 views (last 30 days)
I have been trying to load a .stl file into MATLAB simulink as a file solid using the simscape multibody library. Whenever I do this, the following error message appears in the diagnostic viewer:
"Attempt to modify 'sm_lib' which is a locked (read-only) library"
I have tried to unlock 'sm_lib', but so far my efforts have been unsuccessful. What would be the recommended next steps towards adding this solid into my simulink model?

Answers (1)

Animesh on 21 May 2024
Seems like you are unable to unlock the "sm_lib" library.
You can use the following command to do so:
set_param('sm_lib', 'Lock', 'off');
Additionally, you can refer to the following MATLAB Answer for an alternative method to unlock a library:




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