If I understand your question correctly you would like to generate images with non-uniform background illumination in order to test thresholding algorithms.
You could try to find a test set of images which already have a non-uniformly illuminated background. For example, rice.png is an image shipped with Image Processing Toolbox with non-uniform illumination. Take a look at that example to see how you could use it:
It's hard to add non-uniform background illumination to images. That would be hard even with Adobe Photoshop. It's easier to create a non-uniform background and then add the foreground. So, why not create images from the ground up using basic functions in MATLAB?
Here's a code snippet that creates a grayscale image with a non-uniform background made of a sinc wave:
N = 500;
x = linspace(-50,50,N);
y = linspace(-50,50,N);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
r = sqrt(X.^2 + Y.^2);
background = sin(r)./r;
mmin = min(background(:));
mmax = max(background(:));
background = 255*(background-mmin)/(mmax-mmin);
background = uint8(round(background));
img = background;
img(100:200,100:200) = 255;
img(150:450,150:350) = 128;
You could also do a gradient across the image. For example:
x = linspace(100,200,N);
y = 1:N;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
background = uint8(round(X));