Make a equation with weight and bias in ANN

11 views (last 30 days)
Hello guys,
I'm currently making a ANN which is one hidden layer with 8 neurons, and one output layer with 1 neurons.
I wanna make the equation of prediction so that I can get the value when the new input value comes.
I've been using Artificial Neural Network tool box, and here is my guess.
Input value X
Layer 1 : y1 = Sigmoid(X*W1+b1)
Layer 2 : y2 = y1*W2+b2
However, When I doing like this, the output value is different with model.
How can I use the weights and bias in equation?

Answers (1)

Vineet Joshi
Vineet Joshi on 8 Dec 2021
When you create a neural network, the weights and bias are usually randomly initialized (folllowing some distribution).
You can set weights and bias by using the following functions.
  1 Comment
sangmin yang
sangmin yang on 8 Dec 2021
oh, in that case, I already got it.
I just wanna make a equation using weights and bias which are one of the result of my NN network.

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