How to plot multiple year data over common months?

11 views (last 30 days)
Dear all,
how to plot data from multiple years over one common x-axis? I have some test data measured in january over 4 years, and I want to color the data corresponding the different years. This testdata (datetime data & measurement data) containts data for January only, however future measurements may contain other months, too. So I would like to have x.axis ticks 1-12 (months) and user a scatterplot(?) to mark the points corresponding to n years (colormarker). Please find the test data attached and many thanks for help in advance!
plot (dt.Date, dt.NO2,"r.")
  1 Comment
Star Strider
Star Strider on 5 Jan 2022
Please provide more data. There is only one month (January) for all four years in that file excerpt.

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Accepted Answer

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 5 Jan 2022
With different markers as well as different colors (different colors alone is easier.)
filename = '';
dt = readtable(filename);
[y, m, d] = ymd(dt.Date);
baseyear = min(y);
lastyear = max(y);
cmap = colormap(jet(lastyear-baseyear+1));
G = y - baseyear + 1;
x = datetime(baseyear, m, 1, 'Format', 'MM');
pointsize = 30;
markers = {'.', '+', '*', '<', 'o', 's'}.';
assert(length(markers) >= max(G), 'Need more markers');
markermap = markers(G);
hold on
splitapply(@(M,NO2,c,mark) scatter(M, NO2, pointsize, c(1,:), mark{1}), x, dt.NO2, cmap(G,:), markermap, G);
%scatter(x, dt.NO2, pointsize, cmap(y-baseyear+1,:));
hold off
xlim auto; ylim auto;
ax = gca; ax.XRuler.TickLabelFormat = 'MMM';
JMSE on 6 Jan 2022
Actually, would it not be simpler to split the datetime into 2 arrays (1: day and months; 2: year) and to scatter it with scatter(x = day and month, y = measurements, sz = pointsize, c = year)? However, I o not know yet how to split the datetime array into two seperate arrays, I will try to figure that out. Any hint is very welcome of course.
JMSE on 6 Jan 2022
This does what I want:
d = day(dt.Date,'dayofyear');
m = month(dt.Date);
y = year(dt.Date);
baseyear = min(y);
lastyear = max(y);
cmap = colormap(jet(lastyear-baseyear+1));
G = y - baseyear + 1;
xlim([-.5 365.5])
xticks([0 31 59 90 120 151 181 212 243 273 304 334])
xticklabels({'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'})
ylim([0 5])
hold on
nG = max(G);
L = gobjects(1, nG);
for K = 1 : nG;
L(K) = plot(nan, nan, 'color', cmap(K,:));
hold off
title ("")
xlabel ("Months")
ylabel ("uM nitrite")
legend(L, string(baseyear:lastyear))
grid on
box off
Thank you very much for your ideas and support @Walter Roberson!

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