Find corresponding positions in stereo rectified images on 3D pointCloud

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In a 1000 X 1000 image (rectified stereo pair), I_left , I have features detected at positions:
P_left = 124.914794921875 155.905288696289
125.438186645508 206.946701049805
126.040199279785 258.120697021484
126.659095764160 309.096038818359
127.287139892578 360.007171630859.
I_right has the corresponding features detected at positions:
P_right = 73.1327972412109 155.756408691406
73.8827133178711 206.970779418945
74.3082046508789 258.157165527344
75.1555709838867 309.194702148438
76.6253433227539 360.086303710938
As you can see, the y positions of corresponding points are almost similar (slight difference may be due to calibration, but doesn't matter, I can take the mean and make my y values same, if necessary.)
After Rectification, I find disparity and reconstructScene , to get a 3D pointCloud.
From the 3D pointCloud, I want to find the 3D values of the 5 feature points positions I had detected in I_left and I_right.
How should I do this?
I am not able to map these positions detected in rectified images onto the point cloud.

Accepted Answer

Dima Lisin
Dima Lisin on 28 Nov 2014
Hi Sanya,
reconstructScene returns pointCloud, which is an M-by-N-by-3 array. pointCloud(i, j, :) gives you x, y, and z coordinates corresponding to pixel i,j in the rectified image from camera 1.
Meghana Dinesh
Meghana Dinesh on 2 Dec 2014
Will this affect my accuracy? I have tried feature matching......but it does not consider my stereoParameters anywhere. Hence, I thought it would be less accurate.
Also, unlike reconstructScene (where I obtain a point cloud), triangulation is only for a single point at a time. Am I right?
Dima Lisin
Dima Lisin on 2 Dec 2014
triangulate takes two sets of matching points, not just a single pair. It also returns the reprojection errors for the resulting 3D points, which lets you eliminate the bad matches.

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