Exclude the NaN, 0, empty and Inf values ​​from the analysis.

92 views (last 30 days)
When calculating the PE value, I would like it not to calculate when Ia_future = 0, Nan or Inf.
I believe the way I did it, it's still calculating. Because some PE values ​​are still Inf.
Or if there was some way to exclude those values. The problem is that I need to plot a (t,PE) graphic and if I exclude some PE values ​​the two will have different dimensions and I will not be able to analyze the graph..
for n = 4:size(t,1)
X = [Ia(n-1,1) Ia(n-2,1) ; Ia(n-2,1) Ia(n-3,1)];
future = [Ia(n,1) ; Ia(n-1,1)];
C = X\future;
Ia_future(n,1) = C(1,1)*Ia(n,1)+C(2,1)*Ia(n-1,1);
if (isnan(Ia_future(n, 1)) || isinf(Ia_future(n,1) || isempty(Ia_future(n,1) || Ia_future(n,1)==0))) %|| %(isnan(p(n, 1)) || p(n, 1) == 0)

Accepted Answer

Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson on 11 Feb 2022
Vectorize your calculations using index vectors. For example:
>> Test = [0 1 inf NaN]
Test =
0 1 Inf NaN
>> Inan = isnan(Test)
Inan =
1×4 logical array
0 0 0 1
>> Iinf = isinf(Test)
Iinf =
1×4 logical array
0 0 1 0
>> Igood = ~isinf(Test) & ~isnan(Test)
Igood =
1×4 logical array
1 1 0 0
Then you can calculate PE as a function of Ia_future outside the for loop, something like:
Only the rows of PE corresponding to where Igood is one will be updated. You may need to calculate the index vector looking at both Ia and Ia_future if they can have bad values in different spots.
Luccas S.
Luccas S. on 11 Feb 2022
Edited: Luccas S. on 11 Feb 2022
Cool, I tested it here and it worked, you can do several things with this logic, I think.
If I wanted to ignore the values of PE>1 and PE<0 would it be possible to do something like that too?
Benjamin Thompson
Benjamin Thompson on 11 Feb 2022
Yes you can define an index vector using any kind of comparison test.

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More Answers (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst on 11 Feb 2022
Is this helpful:
data = [0, 9, inf, NaN, 42];
mask = (data ~= 0) & isfinite(data)
mask = 1×5 logical array
0 1 0 0 1
extractedData = data(mask)
extractedData = 1×2
9 42
Using isfinite() takes the place/combines both ~isinf() and ~isnan() all into one simple function.


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