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Generate Code with Structure with Different Size Matrices

1 view (last 30 days)
I'm trying to use MATLAB Coder to generate code for the following code:
for iScaleIdx = 1:numScales
gaussianKernelStd = vGaussianKernelStd(iScaleIdx);
gaussianKernelRadius = ceil(gaussianKernelStd * GAUSSIAN_KERNEL_STD_TO_RADIUS_COEF);
vGaussianKernel = exp(-([-gaussianKernelRadius:gaussianKernelRadius] .^ 2) ./ (2 * gaussianKernelStd * gaussianKernelStd));
vGaussianKernel = vGaussianKernel ./ sum(vGaussianKernel(:));
sLpfKernel(iScaleIdx).vLpfKernel = vGaussianKernel;
sLpfKernel(iScaleIdx).lpfKernelRadius = gaussianKernelRadius;
The vector `vGaussianKernelStd` is predefined.
As one can see, the `vGaussianKernel` field has different sizes.
The Coder can't handle this out of the box.
How can I make it work?
Thank You.

Accepted Answer

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson on 14 Dec 2014
doc coder.varsize
Royi Avital
Royi Avital on 14 Dec 2014
Could you elaborate as I did looked there and couldn't create a code which will work.

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