Hi Devon,
I understand you wish to plot the power spectrum of a single tone FM signal.
For a single tone FM signal of the form
the spectrum in the frequency domain is given as:
This FM spectrum can be plotted as a series of delta functions of height 
A negative amplitude in a frequency component indicates a 180-degree phase shift for that component. Usually, we only need to compare the relative intensities of the sidebands for which we plot the amplitudes' absolute values.
Refer to the following code:
amps = A/2.*abs(besselj(-M:M,beta));
line([freqs(i) freqs(i)], [0 amps(i)], 'Color', 'red');
In case you need to do power calculations, make sure to plot the negative frequencies as well. This can be easily achieved by negating the frequencies vector (code provided).
Refer to the following MATLAB documentation for further reference:
Hope this helps!
Best regards,