Intersect - extraction of row data based on matched results

2 views (last 30 days)
Hi everyone, new to matlab codes and need help. Please see attached image. I have 2 datasets, Data1 and Data2. I want to compare each date/time in Data2 to the first column of Data1 and if a match if found, extract all the corresponding row data in Data2 for those matched date/time. In the attached image, comparing the date/time in Data2 to Data1, two matches were found, row 1 and 4 in Data1. The centire corresponding row data for those matched date/time in Data1 are extracted into another matrix called Result.
Any hint or code to go about this?
Thank you!

Answers (1)

Arif Hoq
Arif Hoq on 18 Mar 2022
Edited: Arif Hoq on 18 Mar 2022
result = 2×3 table
a b c ______ _ _ {'t1'} 1 2 {'t3'} 1 4
Learning on 19 Mar 2022
Hi Arif, I think I'm very close. please see image below, As you can see, both 44562 and 44563 appears twice. Looking at the result table, I want the idices/row numbers to be unique...that is the rows for both 44562 appears are displayed under index as 1 and 5. The previous code would have listed the rows or indices for both 44562 as 1 and 1. Is there a way of making sure that once a particular value is selected, it's index cannot be selected again? that is once the first 44562 which is in row 1 is selected, row 1 cannot be selected again The next time 44562 is encounted, it would be row 5 and hence 5 will be the result for the other 44562. Thanks for not making things clear and I appreciate your help!
Arif Hoq
Arif Hoq on 20 Mar 2022
You can swap the input arguments to ismember. check the value in Locb
date1=[44562 44563 44564 44563 44562 44565 44566 44567 44568 44569 44570 44571]';
date2=[44562 44563 44564 44563 44562];
Lia = 12×1 logical array
1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Locb = 12×1
1 2 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0

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