intensity based retinal segmentation

2 views (last 30 days)
Ayubu Hassan Mbaga
Ayubu Hassan Mbaga on 21 Mar 2022
Answered: Kumar Pallav on 24 Mar 2022
can anyone help me an idea or article regarding segmentation of retinal blood vessels image into three separate images 1. bacground image, 2.Artery image, 3.Vein image. meaning that each image must have one subject either background or vein or artery.

Answers (1)

Kumar Pallav
Kumar Pallav on 24 Mar 2022
You can go through the follwoing documentation which describes the different ways to segment an image using Image segmenter App in MATLAB.
You can try out 'Threshold' or 'Graphcut' tools for your problem.
Also, you can use functions to segment the images. Please go through this documentation for function on image segmentation.
Hope it helps!

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