Incorrect autoscaling during plot command in matlab

11 views (last 30 days)
Hello guys, first time poster. I just had a question about my code- I am just trying to plot some data that I imported from a csv file, but the plot itself leaves voids.
I haven't done anything to change the settings.
The code:
clear all; close all; clc
t = load('sampledata.csv');
xlabel('Sample Number')
title('{\bf Oscilloscope Data}')
below is the image i got from the plot.
any help or advice will be appreciated. thanks!
Samuel on 30 Sep 2011
To all, thanks for the response! @walter- how did you manage to embed the image? I wasn't able to find the command to embed the image.
@fangjun- I actually mean't that the plot axes stretches, so to say, farther than the data needs. Especially if you see at -.5, there is an empty space where there are no values. Same follows for the top and bottom axes.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 2 Oct 2011
To embed an image, use a separate paragraph and start it with << followed immediately (no space after << ) by the URL to the image directly, followed immediately (no space after URL) by >>
The tricky part is often in finding the direct URL for the image, especially if you do not have an account on the system being used to host the image. For situations like that, I display the image in my browser, position my cursor over it, right-click, and choose "Copy image location". That URL is then the one I paste in to the posting.

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Answers (2)

Bjorn Gustavsson
Bjorn Gustavsson on 26 Sep 2011
That figure looks OK to me I guess. "Guess" since I dont know what your data going in was...
What points are you missing?
Do you want a tighter fit of the plot around the points? Then you should could do:
axis tight
Beside that not much to go on here.
Samuel on 30 Sep 2011
Sorry for not being so clear guys.
What I would like to have change from this plot will be so that the data axis will be from -10 to 10 on the y axis, and ~.4 to 2.5 for the x axis(just to encompass the data), automatically, after I plot.
This is probably a rather simple problem with a VERY easy solution- any help will be appreciated.

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Samuel on 30 Sep 2011
Thanks Bjorn-
I actually tried "axis tight", and this ALMOST is what I need.. not quite, because I noticed that some data gets cut off from the plot. Still looking- thanks for the suggestion though.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 30 Sep 2011
set(gca, 'Xlim', [min(time),max(time)], 'YLim', [min(gage),max(gage)])
Samuel on 1 Oct 2011
that is exactly what I need. Thanks very much walter!

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