How to generate the datalog and scenario to track objects?

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I have the time and position of 2 drones in 3 dimensions in an excel sheet that I want to apply the different trackers to (like the Tracking Closely Spaced Targets Under Ambiguity example), but I dont know how to generate the scenario and detections. How do I do this?

Accepted Answer

Prashant Arora
Prashant Arora on 24 Mar 2022
Hi Alexander,
There are two possible interpretations of "position" in your question. I am listing options for both interpretations.
  • If your position data represents observed sensor measurements
You can pack them into objectDetection format by following instructions from this example:
You can feed these detections to a multi-object tracker for tracking.
  • If your position data represents ground truth information.
If you have noisy ground truth position data, you can look at the following example to convert it to a trajectory.
If your ground truth position data is sufficiently smooth, you can directly create a waypointTrajectory from it.
You can reuse this trajectory to generate a trackingScenario as shown in the example below
Once you have a scenario, you can use different sensor models in the toolbox to simulate sensor measurements in the form of objectDetection and run your tracker.
You can also use the Tracking Scenario Designer App to faciliate these tasks.
Hope this helps,

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