How to shift an array in graph x-axis with a certain value?
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I have two arrays, these arrays have 1050000 elements between 0-360 (in order). I need a shift difference between the arrays. I've tried to make that diff with adding an array '+30' but this value effects the y axis on graph and make the array up on graph. I need that '30 value' to make the one array right shift in x-axis on graph. Also, i don't know the what x-axis is on my graph. Is there a default x-axis for the arrays like time? I just simply use 'plot(array)' to see the graph. Hope you can understand this situation.
P.S : that difference should not affect only the graph, but also should be like 'r2 - r1 = 30', i want to use the difference for my code. Maybe there is a different way to use that diff value except 'r2 - r1 = 30'
a = 0;
b = 360;
ncycles = 10;
npoints = 1050000;
r1 = sort((b-a)*rand(npoints/ncycles,ncycles)+a,1,'ascend');
r1 = r1(:);
sigmas = 5;
randomNoise = randn(length(r1), 1)*sigmas+a;
r11 = r1 + randomNoise;
r2 = r1 + 30;
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Answers (1)
on 13 Apr 2022
Add 30 to the x-values i.e. to the indices.
a = 0;
b = 360;
ncycles = 10;
npoints = 1050000;
r1 = sort((b-a)*rand(npoints/ncycles,ncycles)+a,1,'ascend');
r1 = r1(:);
sigmas = 5;
randomNoise = randn(length(r1), 1)*sigmas+a;
r11 = r1 + randomNoise;
r2 = r1 ;
plot((1:length(r2))+30,r2); %<---- 30 added to x-values
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hold off
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