PUMA 560(6 Joints) DH parameter

25 views (last 30 days)
Gokul Thekkoot
Gokul Thekkoot on 14 Apr 2022
Edited: Vaibhav on 17 Nov 2023
Do anyone knows the DH matrix for Puma 560 Robot?

Answers (1)

Vaibhav on 17 Nov 2023
Edited: Vaibhav on 17 Nov 2023
Hi Gokul
I understand that you would like to know the DH (Denavit-Hartenberg) matrix for Puma 560 Robot.
The specific values of the DH parameters for the Puma 560 can vary slightly depending on the convention used and the specific model variant. However, here are the commonly used values of DH matrix for Puma 560 Robot:
dhparams = [0 pi/2 0 0;
0.4318 0 0 0;
0.0203 -pi/2 0.15005 0;
0 pi/2 0.4318 0;
0 -pi/2 0 0;
0 0 0 0];
You can refer to the following MathWorks documentation link to know more about DH Parameters of the Puma 560 robot and build manipulator robot using kinematic DH parameters:
Hope this helps!

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