VertCat unique rows of multiple tables.
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Hi All,
I've got myself in a bit of a muddle and am looking for some help.
I have a number of tables containing the same variables but different rows of data. Some of the data is duplicated between tables.
The first column contains filenames stored in a categorical array.
I would like to vertically concatenate the tables after filtering out duplicate rows of data defined by duplicate filenames.
Is there a way to check for duplicates within two separate category arrays, then use that as a logical mask to select the rows to append.
%% Example Table structure.
tAll = table( 'Size' ,[0,5],...
'VariableNames' ,{'FileName' ,'SampleNumber' ,'DataType' ,'Value' ,'cellData'},...
'VariableTypes' ,{'categorical' ,'uint8' ,'categorical' ,'double' ,'cell'});
So what I want to do is something like...
tAll = [ t1 ; t2(t2.FileName ~= categories(t1.FileName))] % this doesn't work because t1.FileName and t2.FileName are arrays
I understand Joining tables wouldn't be appropriate, as there is no relationship as such, they are all the same variables.
I have also tried...
tAll = union( t1 ; t2 ); % this give an error because one variable contains random numbers of cells.
% Error using tabular/union (line 42)
% Unable to group rows using unique values of the table variable 'cellData'. UNIQUE returned an error.
% Caused by:
% Error using matlab.internal.math.uniqueCellstrHelper
% Cell array input must be a cell array of character vectors.
Accepted Answer
Bruno Luong
on 25 Apr 2022
% dummy test data
Filename1=["a"; "b"; "c"];
Data1=["a1"; "b1"; "c1"];
Filename2=["a"; "d"];
Data2=["a2"; "d2"];
[~,i]=setdiff(T2.Filename, T1.Filename);
[T1; T2(i,:)]
Bruno Luong
on 25 Apr 2022
You migh try
tAll = [T1; T2(~ismember(T2.Filename, T1.Filename),:)];
More Answers (1)
See Also
Find more on Categorical Arrays in Help Center and File Exchange
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