How to update workspace variable content for every iteration?

8 views (last 30 days)
So I have this code
h = SomeFunction;
for i = 1:4
data_local =;
data_local = data_local+rand(1)
which outputs 128x25 matrix every second(with a time gap of 2 secounds)
so for each iteration I want this to update the variable in the work space so i used
inside the loop.
this seems to work, but the thing is only the last value is being stored (after the loop is completed).
Can anyone tell me how to update the variable in the workspace on each loop?
thanks in advance.
Stephen23 on 19 Jan 2015
Are you running this code from a script or in the MATLAB command window?
Stephen23 on 19 Jan 2015
Do not use the variable names i or j for the names of loop variables, as these are both the names of the inbuilt imaginary unit .

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Accepted Answer

Stephen23 on 19 Jan 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 19 Jan 2015
You did not state in your question how you are runing this code, so I assumed that it is in a script. You can store the output of each iteration in an array, possibly a cell array , like in this example:
h = SomeFunction;
out = cell(1,4);
for k = 1:4
out{k} = + rand(1);
You will find all of the data in the cell array out. Cell arrays use their own special indexing .
Another method would be to store it in a simple numeric array, which might make some later processing much easier as you could use vectorized operations on the complete array:
h = SomeFunction;
out = nan([size(,4]);
for k = 1:4
out(:,:,k) = + rand(1);
Also I changed the name of your loop variable to k. Do not use the variable names i or j for the names of loop variables, as these are both the names of the inbuilt imaginary unit .
Stephen23 on 20 Jan 2015
Edited: Stephen23 on 20 Jan 2015
If you run this as a script then the variables must be in the base workspace, as this is the one and only workspace that scripts use. What do you mean "not able to see the the variable content in the workspace" ? Can you see the variables in the workspace? Is your workspace panel open (or docked, or undocked and hiding..)? Did you try double-clicking on the variable in your workspace?
Please run the script, and then upload a screenshot of your MATLAB window.
akshay raj
akshay raj on 21 Jan 2015
sorry this is actually a function, and I think i just need to put the out variable inside
function [out] = fileName
thank you soooooo... much for your help. this works.

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