MATLAB Cloud. How to use if I have an Institution license

4 views (last 30 days)
I have to run a code that use parallel computing tool box. But my GPU is of 5GB and the code need more than that. Can I run this in MATLAB cloud? Please help.
I have an institution license.

Accepted Answer

Raymond Norris
Raymond Norris on 1 May 2022
MATLAB has several cloud offerings
At the moment, MATLAB Online does not support GPUs. Cloud Center and the Reference Architectures provide access to GPU instances. Cloud Center provides the ability to start MATLAB on (at the moment) g3.4xlarge, g3.8xlarge, and g3.16xlarge, which have 8/16/32 GB GPU memory respectfully and can run on Linux or Windows. The Reference Architectures is more of a "roll your own" and provide access to additional regions, older versions of MATLAB, and additional GPU instances.
Another consideration, since you have the Parallel Computing Toolbox, is that you can launch a job from your desktop machine to a GPU instance running in the cloud, backed by MATLAB Parallel Server. Both Cloud Center and Reference Architectures can spin up GPU instances using MATLAB Parallel Server instead (would require that your institution has a MATLAB Parallel Server license).
Contact Technical Support ( to have them walk you through how to use your institutional license in the cloud. They can also provide additional differences between Cloud Center and the Reference Architectures and whether to use MATLAB or MATLAB Parallel Server on the cloud.
  1 Comment
Kiran R
Kiran R on 10 May 2022
Hi Norris,
Thank you for the reply.
As per this info I created an AWS account and linked it to MATLAB Cloud center (A/C ID: 182863361575).
After this it says,
  • To use this application, you must be an end user on a MATLAB Parallel Server license that has been configured to use online licensing from MathWorks.
Is a MATLAB Parallel Server license required if I launch from browser?

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More Answers (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson on 1 May 2022
You need a Login Named User license for that purpose, which you should be able to do with your license. See


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