Publishing options: low image quality, no options to export as vector graphics
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I want to publish my matlab code and its graphical output with annotations for reporting/documentation purposes.
As the live scripts are not suited for source control in git (or are they?), I use plain .m files and the publishing markup (
Yet in the publishing options (under publish/edit configurations), I can only choose png/jpeg/bmp/tiff, and the image resolution is low. Is there an option to generate pdf or html files with vector graphics instead of pixelated graphics?
Accepted Answer
Richard Quist
on 6 May 2022
I don't think there's a way to get true-vector output with the publish command, or to increase the resolution/DPI of the figure images it captures.
Have you tried using any of the "Export to..." options provided by the Live Editor? I believe they generate higher quality output for figures. Also, in R2022a, a new export function was added to allow programmatic exporting of .mlx files to several formats, such as PDF, Microsoft Word and HTML.
% Example of saving an MLX file to PDF
% using the new export function introduced in R2022a
export("myscript.mlx"); % exports to myscript.pdf
export("myscript.mlx", "output.pdf"); % export to output.pdf
I hope that helps.
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