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fitting with y and x dependent variables

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I have 2 columns of universal data X and Y. I can plot an universal Y as a function of X.
Now, X = x / Xc. And Y = y / Yc.
x and y are my experimental data.
Xc and Yc are the fitting parameters that I need to retrieve. In other word, I need to find Xc and Yc in order to minimize the difference between the Y versus X (that I know) and the y*Yc versus x*Xc
How can I do that ?
Torsten on 15 Jun 2022
Edited: Torsten on 15 Jun 2022
Suppose you are given Xc and Yc.
Then you can calculate x/Xc and y/Yc.
Now with which X and Y value do you want to compare x/Xc and y/Yc in the optimization process ?
Taking the X that is nearest to x/Xc and the corresponding Y in the table of theory data to compare with y/Yc ?
Or taking the Y value that is nearest to y/Yc and the corresponding X in the table of theory data to compare with x/Xc ?
Or ...
laurent jalabert
laurent jalabert on 15 Jun 2022
Edited: laurent jalabert on 16 Jun 2022
Now with which X and Y value do you want to compare x/Xc and y/Yc in the optimization process ?
--> X and Y data from the column 1 and 2 of the file theory.xlsx
x,y are experimental data. Xc and Yc are fitting parameters that I want to output. But the model for fitting is not a function, it is array of theoretical points X and Y, with X = x/Xc and Y=y/Yc.
To feel what I what to do, yes, you can define Xc and Yc arbitrary, and plot scaled data (by Xc and Yc) and theory in order to see if it matches or not. I recommend log scale display. If you do that, intuitively, you will find Xc about 100 and Yc about 3.5. But this is indeed not accurate nor optimized.
Now, what I want to do can be done in Mathematica but I want to use Matlab to include this fit into my main data analysis program (already 4000 lines of code).
Basically, in Mathematica, the steps are like this :
1- load theoretical data column 1 (x/Xc) and 2 (real part y/Yc) % data_theo(:,1) and data_theo(:,2)
2- import experimental data x and y
3- define RP as interpolation order 1 of the table of experimental data (x, y) to the length of theoretical vector length(data_theo(:,1)); I can use linspace or logspace.
4- (important) define modelR = Yc * RP[x/Xc] ; % RP as a function of x/Xc
5- fittingR = Quiet[NonlinearModelFit[y, {modelR, {Yc > 0, Xc > 0}}, {Yc, Xc}, x]];
non linear regression fit on data y, using the interpolation modelR, for Yc positive and Xc positive, {Yc,Xc} being the 2 fitting parameters, and x the abscisse from experimental data.
By using Mathematica with the set of data that I provided, the output parameters are Yc = 3.05 with std=0.0122, and Xc = 187.696 with std = 4.025, for a fit R^2 = 0.999944.
Now, on Matlab, I think that I should use griddedinterpolant or scatteredinterpolant .
For point 4, How to define the modelR as a function of the interpolation function that depends on x/Xc (Xc a fit parameter) i.e how to translate the modelR that included RP[x/Xc] in Matlab code ?
modelR = @({Yc,Xc},x) Yc*RP[x/Xc]
% point 1
ds_theo = spreadsheetDatastore('/Users/name/Desktop/theory.xlsx',"FileExtensions",[".xlsx",".xls"]);
data_theo = table2array(read(ds_theo));
% point 2
ds_exp = spreadsheetDatastore('/Users/name/Desktop/experiment.xlsx',"FileExtensions",[".xlsx",".xls"]);
data_exp = table2array(read(ds_exp));
% point 3
% RP = scatteredInterpolant(data_exp,data_theo) ; % does not work
%% plot
FigList = findobj(allchild(0), 'flat', 'Type', 'figure');
nbfig = size(FigList,1);
fig(nbfig+1) = figure('PaperUnits','inches','PaperType','A4','PaperOrientation',...
'landscape','Color',[1 1 1], 'OuterPosition',[1 1 600 600]);
hold on
grid on
% plot experimental data
hold on
hold on
legend('theo RP','theo IM','exp RP','exp IM')

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