Run simulation with Arduino IO programmatically

3 views (last 30 days)
set_param('model', 'SimulationMode', 'external')
set_param('model', 'SimulationCommand', 'Start')
a simulation with Arduino I/O can be run from an M-script.
Can the same be done in the simpler "Connected IO" mode?
I was searching a SimulationMode like 'connected_io', but it doesn't seem to exist.
Or does it?

Answers (1)

Aman Banthia
Aman Banthia on 4 Jul 2022
Hi Manfred, I understand you are trying to call "Connected IO" mode for simulation programmatically, you can use the following code to do that, it may not show any visible changes when MATLAB opens up but it should run if the Simulink Model is run programmatically too.
set_param('model', 'SimulationMode', 'external')
set_param('model', 'SimulationCommand', 'Start')
  1 Comment
Manfred Mevenkamp
Manfred Mevenkamp on 4 Jul 2022
Thank you Aman.
is what I needed. After setting this parameter my simulation could be run simply with the 'sim' command.
However, with
set_param('model', 'SimulationMode', 'external')
set_param('model', 'SimulationCommand', 'Start')
Simulink always uses code generation and runs the model in the "Monitor&Tune" mode, not in "Connected IO" mode. The additional "set_param('model','ConnectedIO','on')" then seems to have no effect.
In short:
set_param('model', 'SimulationMode', 'normal')
does the job.

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