Accessing cell array contents

2 views (last 30 days)
Dave O
Dave O on 30 Jun 2022
Commented: Rik on 30 Jun 2022
I have a one-dimensional cell array where each element of the array contains a timetable with identical format. Is there a direct way of creating a vector that contains the last element of one specific variable in each timetable (without looping)?
For example, something like:
Dave O
Dave O on 30 Jun 2022
Edited: Dave O on 30 Jun 2022
Thanks for your reply, Rik and Adam!
Rik on 30 Jun 2022
You're welcome. If either answer solved your problem, feel free to mark it as accepted answer. If the other was helpful as well, consider giving it an upvote.

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Accepted Answer

Rik on 30 Jun 2022
Edited: Rik on 30 Jun 2022
No. You could use cellfun, but that will only hide the loop. Using a loop directly tends to have better efficiency.
But don't worry: loops are not as bad as you might think (especially if you pre-allocate the output). They are only bad when there isn't a builtin equivalent that operates on the entire array.
  1 Comment
Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 30 Jun 2022
+1 Rik, @Dave O if a loop is more readable to you than cellfun, go with the loop.

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More Answers (1)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz on 30 Jun 2022
In this example, the cell array is named myCellArray and the variable is named myVar.
y = cellfun(@(A)A.myVar(end), myCellArray)
If the values you are extracting are non-numeric or non-scalar,
y = cellfun(@(A){A.myVar(end)}, myCellArray)




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