How to create a 4D surface from scattered data?

2 views (last 30 days)
Xavier on 13 Jul 2022
Answered: arushi on 3 Sep 2024
I have 245 results of a variable C, which are the combination of 3 indepent variables x, y, z.
I am modelling on a CFD software which interpolates betwen these 245 results, and it would be really interesting to plot which points are the seeked points/ area of points.
I have tried with an scatter3 as shown below, but it is not very graphic. Could not make "surf" work as I intended. Does anybody have an idea of a more graphic way to do this?
Thank you
scatter3(Ti(:,1), Ni(:,1), Ai(:,1),100,Mapeado020(:,5), "filled") %245 results which were interpoled
hold on
scatter3(TcK020(:,1), Nc020(:,1), Ac020(:,1),"red","x") %simulation 1 points
scatter3(TcK530(:,1), Nc530(:,1), Ac530(:,1),"blue","x") %simulation 2 points
scatter3(TcK540(:,1), Nc540(:,1), Ac540(:,1),"green", "x") %simulation 3 points
hold off

Answers (1)

arushi on 3 Sep 2024
Hi Xavier,
I understand that you have 245 results of a variable C, interpolated from 3 independent variables x, y, and z. You want to visualize these interpolated points in a more visually appealing way than a scatter plot. You have tried using the ‘surf’ function, but it did not work as expected. You are looking for alternative ideas or approaches to create a more graphic and visually appealing plot for these points.
You can use a combination of ‘scatter3’ and ‘color’ mapping to visualize the interpolated points with the additional variable. Here's an updated version of the code:
% Create a scatter plot with color mapping for the interpolated points
scatter3(Ti, Ni, Ai, 100, Mapeado020(:,5), 'filled');
hold on;
% Set the color based on the additional variable
scatter3(Ti, Ni, Ai, 100, Mapeado020(:,6), 'filled');
% Plot the simulation points
scatter3(TcK020, Nc020, Ac020, 'red', 'x');
scatter3(TcK530, Nc530, Ac530, 'blue', 'x');
scatter3(TcK540, Nc540, Ac540, 'green', 'x');
% Set labels and title
title('Interpolated Points with Simulation Points');
% Set colormap
% Add a colorbar
hold off;
Please refer to the following MATLAB Documentation to know more about ‘scatter3’ function:
Hope the above solution helps you.

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