How do I pass complex numbers to MATLAB Engine? (Python)

6 views (last 30 days)
In Python I'm doing
import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
ret = eng.circuit_values(1, 1, 1, 120, -60-103.92j, -60 + 103.92j)
But I get the error
Error using *
Complex integer arithmetic is not supported.
Is there anyway to work around this?
the .m file looks like this
function [VnN] = circuit_values(zA, zB, zC, VAN, VBN, VCN)
VnN = ((1/zA)*VAN + (1/zB)*VBN + (1/zC)*VCN)/((1/zA)+(1/zB)+(1/zC));
Any help is appreciated.

Answers (1)

arushi on 22 Aug 2024
Hi Marvin C
To pass complex numbers to MATLAB from python, you can utilize the 'matlab.double' function and set the 'is_complex' parameter to 'True'.
This will allow you to create an array of complex numbers in Python and then pass it to MATLAB using the MATLAB engine.
Here's a sample Python script that demonstrates this process:
import matlab.engine
eng = matlab.engine.start_matlab()
a = matlab.double([[1.1+2.4j, 3+4j],[5.3,6.7]], is_complex=True)
ret = eng.example(a)
In the above code snippet, the function ‘example’ resides in the ‘.m’ file and this function takes the ‘a’ as an input, produces the output and returns it back to the python script.
Hope this helps.




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