I am unable run this code , can i know where is wrong

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function [theta_p, epsilon_max, epsilon_min, Y_max_in] = P_7_C6(-260,-60,480,0.334)
% Define average normal strain
epsilon_avg = ((epsilon_x + epsilon_y)/2);
% Calculate, Radius of the Mohr circle
R = sqrt(((((epsilon_x) - (epsilon_y))/2)^2) + ((Y_xy/2)^2) );
% Calculate maximum principal strain
epsilon_max = epsilon_avg + R;
% Calculate minimum principal strain
epsilon_min = epsilon_avg - R;
% Locate the position of the principal plane
theta_p = (atand((Y_xy)/ ((epsilon_x) - (epsilon_y) ) ) )/2;
% Calculate maximum in-plane shear strain
Y_max_in = 2*R;
% Define third principal strain along an axis perpendicular
% to the plane of stress.
epsilon_c = -(nu/ (1-nu) )* ((epsilon_max) + (epsilon_min));
% Calculate maximum shear strain
if (epsilon_max >= epsilon_min && epsilon_min >= epsilon_c)
Y_max_out = (epsilon_max) - (epsilon_c);
elseif (epsilon_max >= epsilon_c && epsilon_c >= epsilon_min)
Y_max_out = (epsilon_max) - (epsilon_min);
elseif (epsilon_c >= epsilon_max && epsilon_max >= epsilon_min)
Y_max_out = (epsilon_c) - (epsilon_min);
%Print the output values
fprintf([ '\nAngle between xy axes and principal axes ',...
'(+ Counter-clockwise) :' ])
fprintf([ * \n-------------------------------------------',...
'-------------------------\n' ])
fprintf( 'Principal plane is at %f Degrees \n' , theta_p)
fprintf (['epsilon_a = %d micro meter\nepsilon_b = %d micro ',...
'meter\n' ], epsilon_max, epsilon_min)
fprintf( 'epsilon_c = %5.2f micro meter \n', epsilon_c)
fprintf([ '\n--------------------------------------------- ,...
'---------------------\n' ])
fprintf(['Y_max(in-plane) = %5.2f micro radians',...
'\nY_max(out-of-plane) = %5.2f micro radians \n' ], Y_max_in, Y_max_out)

Answers (1)

Bhanu Prakash
Bhanu Prakash on 11 Jul 2024
Hi Saravana,
The provided code has the following errors:
  • The arguments [epsilon_x, epsilon_y, Y_xy, nu] that you are using in the function 'P_7_C6' must be passed as input arguments to the function. Assuming that the values of [epsilon_x, epsilon_y, Y_xy, nu] are [-260, -60, 480, 0.334] respectively, the funciton signature can be modified as:
function [theta_p, epsilon_max, epsilon_min, Y_max_in] = P_7_C6(epsilon_x, epsilon_y, Y_xy, nu)
  • The character vectors in the 'fprintf' statements are not properly terminated.
Here is the modified code after resolving the errors:
function [theta_p, epsilon_max, epsilon_min, Y_max_in] = P_7_C6(epsilon_x, epsilon_y, Y_xy, nu)
% Define average normal strain
epsilon_avg = ((epsilon_x + epsilon_y)/2);
% Calculate, Radius of the Mohr circle
R = sqrt(((((epsilon_x) - (epsilon_y))/2)^2) + ((Y_xy/2)^2) );
% Calculate maximum principal strain
epsilon_max = epsilon_avg + R;
% Calculate minimum principal strain
epsilon_min = epsilon_avg - R;
% Locate the position of the principal plane
theta_p = (atand((Y_xy)/ ((epsilon_x) - (epsilon_y) ) ) )/2;
% Calculate maximum in-plane shear strain
Y_max_in = 2*R;
% Define third principal strain along an axis perpendicular
% to the plane of stress.
epsilon_c = -(nu/ (1-nu) )* ((epsilon_max) + (epsilon_min));
% Calculate maximum shear strain
if (epsilon_max >= epsilon_min && epsilon_min >= epsilon_c)
Y_max_out = (epsilon_max) - (epsilon_c);
elseif (epsilon_max >= epsilon_c && epsilon_c >= epsilon_min)
Y_max_out = (epsilon_max) - (epsilon_min);
elseif (epsilon_c >= epsilon_max && epsilon_max >= epsilon_min)
Y_max_out = (epsilon_c) - (epsilon_min);
%Print the output values
fprintf([ '\nAngle between xy axes and principal axes ',...
'(+ Counter-clockwise) :' ])
fprintf([ '\n-------------------------------------------',...
'-------------------------\n' ])
fprintf( 'Principal plane is at %f Degrees \n' , theta_p)
fprintf (['epsilon_a = %d micro meter\nepsilon_b = %d micro ',...
'meter\n' ], epsilon_max, epsilon_min)
fprintf( 'epsilon_c = %5.2f micro meter \n', epsilon_c)
fprintf([ '\n---------------------------------------------' ,...
'---------------------\n' ])
fprintf(['Y_max(in-plane) = %5.2f micro radians',...
'\nY_max(out-of-plane) = %5.2f micro radians \n' ], Y_max_in, Y_max_out)
You can now call the function with the required values like this:
[theta_p, epsilon_max, epsilon_min, Y_max_in] = P_7_C6(-260, -60, 480, 0.334);


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