How to read a .dat file containing an ECG signal?

37 views (last 30 days)
I have an ECG signal contains data collected from 12 leads, saved in a .dat file (attached here). Could someone please help me to read this file? I've already installed WFDB toolbox to read the file, however, it's not able to search locally for the file and so not able to read it. I've tried to read data using rdann.m file however it needs an annotator file that I don't have. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Accepted Answer

Star Strider
Star Strider on 6 Aug 2022
PhysioBank used to be much friendlier than it now is.
I have no idea what records you’re interested in, however the easiest way to work with it is to go to the PhysioBank ATM then select the database you’re interested in and then use the Toolbox drop-down menu and select one of the ‘Export as ...’ options to get the data in a relatively easy-to-import file. (I suggest the .CSV option if you want to post it here as an attachment, since the online Run feature here still doesn’t work and play well with .mat files, and .CSV files are easy to work with.)
Susan on 12 Aug 2022
@Achamma Thomas Hey! I haven't been able to solve that issue yet. But it seems your data has the same structure of mine. There is a header, raw data, and maybe sth at the end. Happy to brianstorm and find a solution!
Achamma Thomas
Achamma Thomas on 13 Aug 2022
@Susan yes will surely share if I find a solution, meanwhile do let me know if you find one too.

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