How can I plot histogram matlab to uiaxes APP designer?

14 views (last 30 days)
Hi Everyone,
Could some one know how to plot histogram of an image to uiaxes ?
This is my code:
v = videoinput("winvideo", 2, "YUY2_640x480"); % capure image from webcam
v.ReturnedColorspace = "grayscale"; % convert to gray
v.ROIPosition = [133 114 410 300]; % crop image
snapshot1 = getsnapshot(v); % capture image
imhist(snapshot1,app.UIAxes) % Plot historam
Thanks all!

Accepted Answer

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre on 15 Aug 2022
imhist is not supported in App Designer yet (as best I can tell). However, you may be interested in this example, which uses histogram instead to show the red, green and blue content of an image.
Or open directly in MATLAB with the following command

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