Lookup values in a table and copy a corresponding value in another table

12 views (last 30 days)
I have 2 tables, 1 containg the data 'E' (data.mat in this case 2 columns lap and time) and 1 containing the laps for which I'm interested to get the time values from the 1'st table called 'Find'. In essence, I'm looking for something similar to a look up function for this which will write the the coresponding values in a new column in the 'Find' table.

Accepted Answer

Atsushi Ueno
Atsushi Ueno on 18 Aug 2022
load data
load find
E = 10×2 table
Lap Time ___ ____ 1 0 2 10 3 15 4 20 5 30 6 40 7 50 8 60 9 70 10 90
Find = 4×1 table
Lap ___ 1 3 7 10
[tf, rows] = ismember(Find,E(:,1))
tf = 4×1 logical array
1 1 1 1
rows = 4×1
1 3 7 10
table(rows, E.Time(rows),'VariableNames',{'FoundLap','Time'})
ans = 4×2 table
FoundLap Time ________ ____ 1 0 3 15 7 50 10 90

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