Convert striaght lines to smooth curves

1 view (last 30 days)
Hi, I have acceleration and time data and want to create a phase diagram (displacement vs velocity).
My current plot looks like below fig 1, with straight lines connecting each point. Is it possible to change these to smooth curves as fig 2?
fig 1
fig 2
My current code is as below.
v = diff(Acc1).*diff(X_Value); %Acc1 = acceleration data and X_Value = Time
s = diff(v).*diff(X_Value(1:end-1));

Accepted Answer

Michael on 22 Aug 2022
It looks like your sample rate was too low. I'd recollect the data at a higher sample rate.
You could try doing a cubic spline interpolation on your acceleration data to estimate intermediate time points and then rerun your code.
dt = mean(diff(X_value));
t_hiRes = 0:dt/100:max(X_value);
hiresAccel1 = interp1(X_value, Acc1, t_hirRes,'cubic');
%Same for the rest
v = diff(Acc1).*diff(X_Value); %Acc1 = acceleration data and X_Value = Time
s = diff(v).*diff(X_Value(1:end-1));
Pranav Shende
Pranav Shende on 26 Aug 2022
Edited: Pranav Shende on 26 Aug 2022
Thanks for your help Micheal, I understand using 'diff' comes out confusing to find velocity from acceleration. I have tried using trapz and cumtrapz for my data. The problem I faced is all the values (velocty and displacement) increases/decreases with time. I believe it should follow the same trend as accleration if plotted against time as my sensors are attached to the rig fixed on a table. Ideally as below figure. I think as you mentioned the sampling frequency is too low for my data. I will be using a higher sampling frequency and try again. Or else I am missing something fundamental and need to go back to basics.

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More Answers (1)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico on 25 Aug 2022
Why in the name of god and little green apples are you differentiating acceleration? You need to INTEGRATE acceleration, once to get velocity, then again to get displacement.
Differentiating acceleration results in noisy garbage, as it probably should. You differentiated the accelerations TWICE.
data = xlsread('starved_1000_001.lvm.xlsx');
T = data(:,1);
Acc = data(:,2);
vel = cumtrapz(T,Acc);
displacement = cumtrapz(T,vel);
Michael on 26 Aug 2022
@Pranav Shende This might be due a DC bias in your accel measurement. This can happen if you have a bit of gravity measured in the axis of the accel. Try doing
a = a_raw - mean(a_raw)
to eliminate the bias. Also, be sure to accept the answer.

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