Surrogate optimization throws error when I try to use the vectorized option

5 views (last 30 days)
Attemting to use vectorized option in surrogate optimization fails and I am not able to figour out
the reason behind. I get the following error message
'UseVectorized' is not an option for SURROGATEOPT.
A list of options can be found on the SURROGATEOPT documentation page.
Bellow, I show you the main part (L believe this should be enough)
Any idea?
Thanks a lot!
Torsten on 28 Aug 2022
Edited: Torsten on 28 Aug 2022
Do you already get the error message when you form the options structure or after calling "surrogateopt" ?
What MATLAB version do you use ?
You noticed that you forgot a comma in your line of code ?
-> here
Mohammad Shojaei Arani
Mohammad Shojaei Arani on 29 Aug 2022
Hi Torsten,
I use matlab 2022. I checked again and could not find anything. I get error after calling 'surrogateopt'.
But, it does not matter. I am not actually using surrogate optimization (I got faster and more accurate results using particle swarm optimization).
Thanks again for your kind help!

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Answers (1)

Yash on 27 Oct 2023
Hello Mohammad Shojaei Arani,
I understand that you are encountering issues while utilizing the Vectorized option in Surrogate Optimization in MATLAB. I have executed your code in MATLAB R2021a, MATLAB R2022a, and MATLAB R2023a, and I did not encounter any errors.
Upon careful examination, I noticed that the line you provided has a missing comma, which may be the cause of the issue. Here is the corrected code snippet:
options =
surrogateopt options: Set properties: MaxFunctionEvaluations: 100000000 MinSurrogatePoints: 200 OutputFcn: @(x,optimValues,state)myoutput_Spline(x,optimValues,state,dt,M) PlotFcn: [] UseVectorized: 1 Default properties: BatchUpdateInterval: 1 CheckpointFile: [] ConstraintTolerance: 1.0000e-03 Display: 'final' InitialPoints: [] MaxTime: Inf MinSampleDistance: 1.0000e-06 ObjectiveLimit: -Inf UseParallel: 0
I recommend adding the missing comma to the code, as shown above. This adjustment should resolve the problem you are facing.
I hope this information helps you in resolving the issue.

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