[Simulink] Subsystems are locked and the parameters cannot be changed.

5 views (last 30 days)
I have a problem in Simulink model.
I put several same subsystems in one model (for example, named 'SS1' and 'SS2'), and I tried to change a parameter ('param') in the subsystems.
I wanted to set DIFFERENT value in each subsystem, SS1 and SS2, so wrote a code by using "set_param" command like this :
  • set_param('…SS1/param', 'Value', '1')
  • set_param('…SS2/param', 'Value', '2')
The paramter in SS1 can be set, but the command for SS2 generates an error like this :
  • "SS2 is locked by SS1, so the parameter in SS2 cannot be changed."
How can I avoid this problem?

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