How to change only 1 bar in a graphic bar that is grouped

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Y1=[CO_P2_30, NOx_P2_30, UHC_P2_30
CO_P3_10, NOx_P2_10, UHC_P3_10
CO_P3_5, NOx_P2_5, UHC_P1_5
CO_P2_3, NOx_P1_3, UHC_P1_3];
b1(1).FaceColor='#000000'; % CO-P1
b1(2).FaceColor='#828282'; % NOx-P1
b1(3).FaceColor='#D5D5D5'; % UHC-P1
X = categorical({'30','10','5','3'});
X = reordercats(X,{'30','10','5','3'});
I want to change the color of the first bar of the bar group of 30. When I try to change it the program change de color of the first bar of all the groups.

Answers (1)

Abderrahim. B
Abderrahim. B on 29 Aug 2022
Try something like this:
y = [2 2 3; 2 5 6; 2 8 9; 2 11 12];
barH = bar(y) ;
barH(1).FaceColor = "flat" ;
barH(1).CData(1,:) = [0 1 0] ; % set the first bar color to green


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