Please how do I get rid of local variables may have been changed to match the globals error?
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University Glasgow
on 15 Sep 2022
Commented: University Glasgow
on 15 Sep 2022
I this error: Warning: The value of local variables may have been changed to match the globals. Future versions of MATLAB will require that you declare a variable to be global before you use that variable.
Also, I tried to loop over a solver because my function has a varying parameter xi. Please how I do plot a graph for the different parameters on the same figure? For instance, I wanna plot xi = -0.06 and xi=0.001 on the same figure. I have attched my code.
Accepted Answer
on 15 Sep 2022
Can you take it from here for your case ?
f = @(x,a) x.^2 + a.^2;
x = -2:0.01:2;
a = 0:0.1:1;
array = zeros(numel(a),numel(x));
hold on
for i = 1:numel(a)
array(i,:) = f(x,a(i));
hold off
Walter Roberson
on 15 Sep 2022
You do not fix it. You are treating v as if it is a function rather than an array.
Certainly you cannot fix it when there are no comments indicating what you hope to have happen there.
Note also that your right hand side does not involve i so you are calculating the same thing each iteration until you get to the point where v(i,:) and v(z,:) overlap (and which point you change what v(z,:) refers to and so you start storing different values than the iterations where i < min(z) )
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