Trouble plotting denavit hartenberg transformation matrix

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Hi, i am currently working on a school project in Robotics, and i am to find the direct transformation of a RRPR robot in one of the problems. The robot in question can be seen in the picture below.
Where i have found the values for the dh table to be:
I have written this code, to create the homogeneos transformation matrices for each joint, and i tried making a model of it. The model however does not look anything like the robot itself, and i dont know why..
q1 = 0; %Angle
q2 = 0; %Angle
q3 = 0; %Length
q4 = 0; %Angle
a4 = 1.02;d1 = 1.5;
A1 = dh_transform(0,-pi/2,d1,q1); %Variable is theta
A2 = dh_transform(0,-pi/2,0,(pi/2+q2)); %Variable is theta
A3 = dh_transform(0,pi/2,(1.35+q3),pi); %Variable is d
A4 = dh_transform(a4,pi/2,0,(q4-pi/2)); %Variable is theta
T04 = A1*A2*A3*A4 %%Transformation matrix
dhparams = T04
robot = rigidBodyTree('DataFormat','row');
bodies = cell(4,1);
joints = cell(4,1);
for i = 1:4
if i == 3
bodies{i} = rigidBody(['body' num2str(i)]);
joints{i} = rigidBodyJoint(['jnt' num2str(i)],"prismatic");
bodies{i}.Joint = joints{i};
bodies{i} = rigidBody(['body' num2str(i)]);
joints{i} = rigidBodyJoint(['jnt' num2str(i)],"revolute");
bodies{i}.Joint = joints{i};
if i == 1 % Add first body to base
else % Add current body to previous body by name
Any help is appreciated!

Answers (1)

Umang Pandey
Umang Pandey on 10 Nov 2023
Edited: Umang Pandey on 10 Nov 2023
Hi Kasper,
I understand that you want to construct an RRPR (Revolute-Revolute-Prismatic-Revolute) robot with specified Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) parameter values.
In your code, I noticed the use of "dh_transform" function which is not a built-in MATLAB function, and its definition wasn't provided in your message. However, given that you have the DH parameters, you can directly define the "dhparams" matrix as follows:
dhparams = [0 -pi/2 d1 q1;
0 -pi/2 0 pi/2+q2;
0 pi/2 1.35+q3 pi;
a4 pi/2 0 q4-pi/2];
For more information, you can refer to the following example on building PUMA560 manipulator robot using DH parameters:

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